Installation instructions for
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There's an unofficial port of LibreWolf for OpenBSD. You can use the following instructions to get binary packages for the latest -stable OpenBSD/amd64 release. Packages are not available for -current or past -stable OpenBSD releases.

Attention. OpenBSD port is deprecated and no new builds will be provided. LibreWolf 106.0 is the last major version available for OpenBSD 7.1. Users are advised to migrate to Firefox from the ports collection and keep their browser up-to-date.

1. Download the signing key:

$ curl -O
$ doas mv /etc/signify/

You can also verify content of the key, it should contain these lines only:

untrusted comment: signify public key

2. Install LibreWolf:

Temporary set PKG_PATH

The easiest way to install the package is to temporarily change the PKG_PATH variable to point to the build server:

$ PKG_PATH="$(uname -r)/packages/$(uname -p)/" pkg_add librewolf

To update the package:

$ PKG_PATH="$(uname -r)/packages/$(uname -p)/" pkg_add -u librewolf

The downside of this approach is pkg_add -u won't update LibreWolf automatically, and the command will warn about not being able to find the package.

Persistently set PKG_PATH

Alternatively, you can set the PKG_PATH variable persistently. If you already use it, then just append this URL to the path (using the : separator):$(uname -r)/packages/$(uname -p)/

If you use installurl(5) (the defaults), export PKG_PATH from your .xsession or .kshrc file:

export PKG_PATH="$(cat /etc/installurl)/$(uname -r)/packages-stable/$(uname -p)/:$(cat /etc/installurl)/$(uname -r)/packages/$(uname -p)/:$(uname -r)/packages/$(uname -p)/"

Here's an example:

$ cat ~/.xsession
export PKG_PATH="$(cat /etc/installurl)/$(uname -r)/packages-stable/$(uname -p)/:$(cat /etc/installurl)/$(uname -r)/packages/
$(uname -p)/:$(uname -r)/packages/$(uname -p)/"


This way pkg_add librewolf and pkg_add -u will work as expected and will install and update LibreWolf package automatically.

3. Read LibreWolf's pkg-readme:

$ less /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/librewolf

You'll at least want to enable hardware acceleration and WebRender.

The sources and contact info of the LibreWolf OpenBSD Port can be found at